Not a big update for today. I spent some time working on my collision handling - I implemented the swept sphere vs line segment to see if that would fix everything. It made things better, but didn't catch all cases, and I saw some cases of the sphere flying off the level plane - meaning it caught a collision with one of the diagonal triangle edges.
So, I spent the evening integrating the Bullet physics engine. After a bunch of tweaking, things work!
...For the most part. I am not at all happy with how the bullets are bouncing off of the walls. Often they will bounce tangent to the surface! They are sphere rigid bodies, and both the bullet and level geometry have a restitution of 1.0. I'm also using the CCD motion in Bullet to avoid tunneling. So, I'm not sure what's up. Guess I'll have to tinker with it.
...I really need to get going with implementing gameplay!!
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